i can't recall if i've ever seen you write about Georgism and how the land value tax could systemically provide for better urban fabric? if not, i would like to hear your opinion on it. anyway, i vote you write about whatever gets you the most excited/riled up/upset!
It's something I think about a lot and a really important of how cities work so I will definitely do some future posts in that direction. Thanks again!
Great article. I somewhat disagree with you that all sprawl is unfixable. Towns that were initially built with good urban fabric but had since seen it bulldozed for cars are fixable so long as the initial bones of that place are still intact.
Love the phrase “urban fabric.” Gives me a good framework and word picture for the kind of developments I would love to be a part of and live in
i can't recall if i've ever seen you write about Georgism and how the land value tax could systemically provide for better urban fabric? if not, i would like to hear your opinion on it. anyway, i vote you write about whatever gets you the most excited/riled up/upset!
Awesome, thank you for the feedback Max! I did write some about it a while back, kind of culminating in this post: https://joelanderson.substack.com/p/positive-sum-housing-games-part-2
It's something I think about a lot and a really important of how cities work so I will definitely do some future posts in that direction. Thanks again!
Great article. I somewhat disagree with you that all sprawl is unfixable. Towns that were initially built with good urban fabric but had since seen it bulldozed for cars are fixable so long as the initial bones of that place are still intact.